Bouvier Des Flandres breed information and lists of available Bouvier Des Flandres dogs, puppies, stud dogs and breeders Bouvier Des Flandres breed information and lists of available Bouvier Des Flandres dogs, puppies, stud dogs and breeders 

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Bouvier Des Flandres breed information and pictures

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The Bouvier Des Flandres is part of the Herding group. The Bouvier Des Flandres is a dog with Above Average problem solving abilities. The trainability of the Bouvier Des Flandres is Above Average. It was breed to be good for Family Pet, Protection, Watch Dog The Bouvier Des Flandres lifestyle is Adaptable; prefers indoors

It is important that when contacting a Bouvier Des Flandres breeder that you express health concern issues and ask the breeder what they are doing in order to help mimimize them.

Please don't purchase your Bouvier Des Flandres from a petstore which commonly are known to support Bouvier Des Flandres puppy mills. Doing so only promotes inproper breeding ethics and promotes current Bouvier Des Flandres health issues. The AKC, UKC, FCI, CKC, SKC, WWKC, FIC registries recognize the Bouvier Des Flandres breed standard.

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a well breed Bouvier Des Flandres dog

Bouvier Des Flandres
Group:  Herding
Shoulder Height: 00.00 in - 00.00 in
Weight: 60-100 pounds
Exercise req'd: Medium amount
Intelligence: High
Suitability for kids: Excellent
Registries: AKC, UKC, FCI, CKC, SKC, WWKC, FIC


Country of Origin: Originated in Flandres, Belgium the Bouvier is an extremely old breed which was used for herding, driving cattle and pulling carts and guarding the family. This breed first surfaced in 1910, as four varieties however in 1912 purists founded a group to standardize the breed into just one variety. By the end of WWI this breed was almost wiped out, leaving only 7 Bouviers. In WWII the breed distinguished itself for carrying messages under fire and searching out the wounded.

Character: This dog is tough, brave, alert, and loyal. It does not like teasing.

Temperment: The Bouvier is an equable dog, steady, resolute and fearless.This breed needs reasonable amounts of exercise.

Coat: A tousled, double coat capable of withstanding the hardest work in the most inclement weather. The outer hairs are rough and harsh, with the undercoat being fine, soft and dense.

Care Weekly grooming with a brush and comb is required. The ears, nails and teeth require ample attention.

Colour: can range in colour from fawn to black, with salt-and-pepper, grey and brindle being included.

Comments: Their delightful keen and intelligent personalities, biddable natures, and easily cared for coats make them very popular as a pet and an excellent dog for the elderly. Friendly, loving dogs with high tolerance level for children, good watch dog, very .

Purposes: Family Pet, Protection, Watch Dog

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