Briard, dog breeder - canine costars Briard, dog breeder - canine costars 

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canine costars

Name: canine costars
Breeds: Briard,
City: aldergrove
State/Prov: bc
Zip: v4w2s6
Country: Canada
Telephone: 604 856=1511
Affiliations: CKC life time member.
Other Information: Penny comes from a pretty amazing litter of Berger de Brie/ Briard pups. The father was imported from the top Briard kennel in Europe. Ruckus is a Champion, he works in the movie industry for Canine Costars of Canada Ltd ( and he has his HIC! He is working on his obedience titles this year as he is only 15 months old. Ruckus currently has a commercial running on Global for Recycling. Some of Ruckus’ most recent movie and TV credits include Caprica and Supernatural. The puppies have been raised in the house with children and other pets. . These pups have been started on the all natural diet Chow For Now ( and have had Early Neurological Stimulation ( to ensure good health and great temperaments. Puppies are guaranteed, micro chipped, and have had their shots and deworming. They are ready to go NOW! I have started shaping their training as you can see in the following video: This video shows that the pups understand a variety of different commands like sit, down,on your side, head down, high five stand and speak! This is pretty amazing since the pups are only 7 weeks old in the video! I think that it is pretty safe to say that there is no other litter that you could compare to this particular breeding. I purposely bred a European dog to a North American dogs as I believe that this gives genetic versatility which in turn give better health! Ruckus is a very good working dog, he is very robust with lots of bone & a big head, has one of the best coats I have ever seen in a Briard! He very rarely mats & has never had any skin problems, this a big problem in the breed. If I was to fault him, I would say he is not "yet" a very good protection dog. He barks at the fence but if any body came in he is really happy to see them, I don't think he has met a person he hasn't liked. The mom Jojo, is very protective of her home, people & stuff, she is fine when she is introduced to people but no one in their right mind would just walk into Wendy's house, lol. Jojo is a larger female with typical North American Briard coat, pretty movement & a beautiful ear set. The pups have amazing coats already, they have very heavy & dense bodies like the European dogs and show good protectiveness, barking when someone knocks on the door. I think that you will see that these are not only the best of the north American lines bred to the best European lines but these puppies have been raise to be the best working dogs around! Very few breeders bother with Early Neurological Stimulation nor can they afford to feed a Natural diet, never mind have the puppies paper trained & started shaping their obedience! The pink female is very out going and pushes the other pups around the most, she has the most coat out of all the pups & is still available. This little girl is a very happy puppy that loves to play with toys and cuddle. 604 807-1405.

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canine costars Briard, breeder ( 1 listings found )
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Penny View Details  
Penny comes from a pretty amazing litter of Berger de Brie/ Briard pups. The...
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