Belgian Malinois,German Shepherd, dog breeder - Maces Malinois and German Shepherds Belgian Malinois,German Shepherd, dog breeder - Maces Malinois and German Shepherds 

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Maces Malinois and German Shepherds

Name: Maces Malinois and German Shepherds
Breeds: Belgian Malinois,German Shepherd,
City: Thomasville
State/Prov: PA
Zip: 17364
Country: USA
Testimonials: Jerry We wanted to say hi and let you know that Oakley continues to be a super star for us and we could not be more happy with him. My family and I have never felt more safe. And he is constantly impressing us with how intelligent he is. By accident we discovered that he already knows how to do some tricks like shake hands and speak when asked to speak. This made us wonder what other tricks he may know. Would it be possible to find out what he may have been taught from his original owners? If this would be a big hassle its not that important in the grand scheme of things, we were just curious so we could continue those things with him. Hope all is well with you and yours and thanks again for this spectacular dog.
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Maces Malinois and German Shepherds Belgian Malinois,German Shepherd, breeders ( 3 listings found )
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