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Makai - AKC Registered 3.5 lb Chihuahua Stud

Name: Makai - AKC Registered 3.5 lb Chihuahua Stud
Breeds: Chihuahua,
City: Biloxi
State/Prov: MS
Zip: 39532
Country: USA
Telephone: 415-734-1293
Affiliations: AKC
Other Information: Makai is a registered AKC Apple Head Chihuahua. He is 3.4 lbs and very well proportioned. Makai has a friendly disposition, loves children, adults and other animals. We have traveled extensively throughout the United States. He is well mannered and quiet. He does not snap or yelp. He has be the best friend a person could have and we are looking to create more like him. All too often I encounter rude chihuahuas, he is quite the opposite with a grand personality. His health is excellent and his desire to stud is apparent. If you are interested in Makai's services, please feel free to drop a line or send an email. We look forward to making new friends. Mahalo!

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