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Name: mel
Breeds: Lhasa Apso,Yorkshire Terrier,
City: glasgow
State/Prov: north lanarkshire
Zip: G521NA
Country: Other-Not Shown
Telephone: 07533481466
Affiliations: kennel club
Testimonials: proven sire with no medical faults passed to his pups.
Other Information: proven sire. Cream and gold colour, brilliant temprament. Great with kids and dogs, loves people. Excellant dog for breeding, great coat, good jaw not over or under shot. Produces good size litters of up to 9 stunning pups. has 7 champions in his pedigree from saxonsprings lines and nedlik this is the reason he has been chosen as a stud dog. this boy knows what he doing so no distress put on the bitch either 250 stud fee which gets paid at time of mating or pick of litter whatever the owner prefers ,

If you are a dog breeder and you wish to advertise you may do so HERE
Lhasa Apso,Yorkshire Terrier, breeder ( 0 listings found )
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