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Danvers Papillons

Name: Danvers Papillons
Breeds: Papillon,
City: Saint Louis
State/Prov: MO
Zip: 63141
Country: USA
Telephone: (314) 348-2024
Affiliations: Papillon Club of America
Testimonials: My Tucker from Danvers Papillons is the best dog I have every had (see his pictures on the site!) I hope to always have a Danvers pappy in my life. Sandy in Saint Louis
Other Information: I selected my Papillons because of their own special traits, personalities and structure. All of my dogs are checked for potential genetic challenges. As a dedicated Papillon breeder, I do not mass-produce dogs. Therefore, I am very careful with the placement of my dogs. My Papillons may be Champions in the ring but first they are my companions and members of my family.

If you are a dog breeder and you wish to advertise you may do so HERE
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