Music City Goldendoodles
Music City Goldendoodles
Cane Ridge
This is Pippi (Mulan) from Lindy's 2010 litter. We can't say enough about how great Music City is!! We couldn't have asked for a better dog - she is everything we wanted and more! They raise great puppies!
Can't say enough about my sweet girl from Music City Goldendoodles! :) They really go the extra mile to take great care of their pups and to get them acclimated to different environments/people/noises?/etc.
I just wanted to send you guys some new pictures of Piper ( Jasmine). She is doing great. She is about 45 lbs now and I love her soo much!
I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and let you know how Molly is doing. She is the love of our lives and doing great. She is extremely smart and happy. We love her and can't imagine life without her. She came to us at a perfect time. Thank You!
Just wanted to let you know woody is doing great! Don't have any pictures downloaded...I'm not computer wise. He weighs about 34 pounds now,... Knows how to sit, give you his paw...lay down...stay and come on demand...he seems to pick up so easily and interested in everything... he has that puppy chewing stage , so needless to say my perscription glasses are now scratched up from him grabbing him from the table..he has a very nice disposition, I am totally happy with him.. A friend of ours wants to know if in the future, there will be any more puppies.
Other Information:
Music City Goldendoodles is a small family breeder, all our dogs are pets of various family members - they are not "breeding stock". Our goal is to breed top quality family pets; dogs who will join their forever homes and provide years of faithful companionship and joy to their new family.
To assist in this goal, Music City Goldendoodles has started Martin in Puppy Preschool. Our puppy preschool includes daily Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) and socialization. Our first year of the ENS program we were skeptical yet curious. Our curiousity paid off when our pups began doing and learning things much faster then the previous year's puppies. This early program stimulates a puppy's brain, predisposes him/her to learning, teaches them to handle stress, and just gives them a head start in life.
In addition to the ENS, our Puppy Preschool includes Intro to Basic Commands, Potty Training Primer, and a Crate Training elective. The pups will be socialized with dogs and people of all ages and sizes, taken for car rides, and introduced to a leash; anything we can do to prepare them for their exciting life with their forever family.
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