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lisa oliver
lisa oliver
Patterdale Terrier,
county durham
United Kingdom
Other Information:
beutifull patterdale terrier black fantastick stature strong willed and minded and will be great conpanion also possable to still train as working dog he is 3 years old i have had him since he was 8 months old and he is my best friend and needs a loving companion but it is STRICTLY NOT TO BE AROUND CHILDREN as this is the reason i am having to rehome as he is very snappy with children and i have been strongly advised to preferably rehome with with a loving couple or single male who has time to make sure that he is well exersised and well loved he will make whoever becomes his owner a very proud owner but again will say no children he has been castrated as he has farthered twice but first litter patterdale bitch only had 1 pup and it was still born & clept lip second litter was accidental to my springer spaniel bitch she had 5 but also 1 still born reason we had castration done i would ask please no time waisters as he is a fatastick patterdale terrier and very much loved and it is a sad time for us as he has been our baby but due to having 2 young boys and having to make such a hard desision about wheather or not it is safe for my boys to be around him i would be gratefull if you could email me at
[email protected]
and i will anser any questions if any £150 N.O his name is riley
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