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Lone Star Alaskan Malamutes

Name: Lone Star Alaskan Malamutes
Breeds: Alaskan Malamute,
City: Brashear
State/Prov: Texas
Zip: 75420
Country: USA
Telephone: 903-485-2960
Affiliations: akc OFA
Testimonials: Sakari is getting along very well. We took her to the groomers on Monday and she got a bath and dry and brushed. She is so soft! Before the groomer started she had some play time with some other dogs and got along just fine. She and our dog are getting along too and I think Tima loves having another dog to play with during the day. I took some photos of Sakari the day it snowed a couple of weeks ago and will forward when I download them. She seemed to love playing in the snow. Her fun personality is coming out and it is a joy to see her running around being a clown. Kevin is her 'treat factory' as he works on building her trust with him, but she is gradually getting more comfortable with him. Deb
Other Information: we raise and breed pure bred AKC Alaskan Malamutes.

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