Akita, dog breeder - Rodrick Maxwell Akita, dog breeder - Rodrick Maxwell 

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Rodrick Maxwell

Name: Rodrick Maxwell
Breeds: Akita,
City: Cordova
State/Prov: TN
Zip: 38016
Country: USA
Telephone: 9015743149
Affiliations: AKC
Testimonials: AKC pet - Brindle - 120+ lbs - gentle temperament - perfect health... Would like to start his stud out
Other Information: Jacob is excellent with children, age 2, we decided to wait to breed until he was mature. we fill he'll be VERY persistent.

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Rodrick Maxwell Akita, breeder ( 1 listings found )
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Jacob DeAndre View Details  
500 (USD)
Located in TN, will commute to MS and surrounding areas for a fee. AKC pet - - 120+ lbs - gentle...
  other akita dog related areas Akita dog details
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