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mac smithy

Name: mac smithy
Breeds: Chihuahua,
City: ann arbor
State/Prov: michgan
Zip: 48034
Country: USA
Telephone: 248- 359-1556
Affiliations: kennel clubs, canadian pet club
Testimonials: Maggie loves her two new wool balls she just received. They bounce so well. I wish you could see this eight month old, seven pound puppy jumping in the air and skidding across the floor to catch them. We've spent a good amount of time playing with them, tossing them in the air, bouncing them off the wall, rolling them on the floor. She drops every toy when she sees me with the wool ball in my hand. Thank you for making such a durable, safe and fun ball for her to enjoy for a long, long, time to come. Your delivery was super fast, too. P. S. , Midlothian, VA
Other Information: we have all papers AKC, CKC, FCI, JRTCA, OFA, UKC ...feel fre to me at [email protected]

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