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Kevin Graham

Name: Kevin Graham
Breeds: Fila Brasileiro,
City: Irvington
State/Prov: KY
Zip: 40146
Country: USA
Telephone: 405-606-5822
Other Information: This is a 1 year old, Black, Male Fila Brasileiro. He weighs 120 LBS and is not neutered. He has had the full cycle of necessary shots. He's good with other dogs, and is protective of the area he considers his own. This dog is housebroken and crate trained and has been an "inside dog" his entire life. He was purchased from a respected American breeder, and his lines are pure. He's a good dog that I have to find a home for, because I've recently been required to serve a period of time in the active duty military (currently a reservist) Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have. This dog is free to a good home, but it must be a home rather than an apartment or condominium, it must have a yard, and there can't be small children in the home. kscottg1(at)comcast(dot)net

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