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Wyndeway Shetland Sheepdogs

Name: Wyndeway Shetland Sheepdogs
Breeds: Shetland Sheepdog,
City: Alexandria Bay
State/Prov: NY
Zip: 13607
Country: USA
Telephone: 315-482-5105
Affiliations: North Country Kennel Club, Central New York Shetland Sheepdog Club, AKC, UKC, CKC
Testimonials: Wendy Casker: We owned three of the best shelties ever from Wyndeways. I could never see us going anywhere else for a sheltie pup. We would love another bi-blue, if the timing is right, but really, we love them all!
Other Information: We test all of our dogs for OFA Hips, CERF for eyes, OFA Thyroid, MDR1 DNA test, VetGen vWD DNA test and temperament test. We do not kennel our dogs and they live with us in our home. I show my dogs in the U.S., Canada and UKC shows in Rally, Obedience and Conformation. I am also an AKC CGC/CGCA/CGCU/ S.T.A.R. Puppy trainer/tester.

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