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Sweet Samurai Kennels (

Name: Sweet Samurai Kennels (
Breeds: Japanese Spitz,
City: Memphis
State/Prov: Tennessee
Zip: 38157
Country: USA
Telephone: 901-382-5308
Affiliations: American Rare Breed Association ("ARBA") and The United Kennel Club ("UKC")
Other Information: Sweet Samurai is a small, home-based kennel located in Western Tennessee. We currently have three Japanese Spitzen. They live with us in our home and are truly a part of our family. All of our dogs are free from communicable diseases and defects. They receive annual vaccinations and are vet-checked frequently. All three of our dogs are registered with the United Kennel Club ("UKC"). Our two oldest dogs, Geisha and Sami, are registered the American Rare Breed Association ("ARBA"), with registration for our younger little girl, Ju-Ju, pending. We are proud members of the Japanese Spitz Club of USA and we are careful to abide by the Breeders' Ethics Bylaws, which were written by the Club to ensure the safe and ethical breeding of this lovable and loving breed.

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