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Sable wolf shores

Name: Sable wolf shores
Breeds: Alaskan Malamute,Belgian Shepherd,Siberian Husky,
City: arroyo
State/Prov: california
Zip: 93420
Country: USA
Telephone: 805-556-0845
Other Information: Beautiful High & mid content Wolf hybrids of noble distinction, impressive wolf appearance, unrivaled companionship and overall amazing intelligence. All pups are born from strong stock and will go to approved homes with a full genetic lineage traceable back to authentic wolf stock. I also accompany each pup with a starter pack to ensure their healthy start to life. Education is the key so don't buy from unknowledgeable breeders out to make a buck. Make sure you buy from someone who knows, understands, and loves the breed. All Questions are welcome with me and I'm always happy to tell you about my happy, healthy hybrids! Accepting deposits for spring 2009 pups and applications for spring 2010.

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Alaskan Malamute,Belgian Shepherd,Siberian Husky, breeder ( 0 listings found )
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