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Name: Stevie
Breeds: Siberian Husky,
City: lafayette
State/Prov: la
Zip: 70503
Country: USA
Telephone: 337-501-3004
Other Information: I have a purebred Siberian Husky that my friend wants to give away.(He wasn't ready to own a dog). Bowie, 1yr old utd on shots, needs a good loving home. Kennel, bowls, $50 high quality dog food included. Hes free.Hes LOYAL and SWEET with all animals. Needs to be RE-potty trained bc owner crates him like all day. Im trying to find Bowie a better owner. VERY INTELLIGENT and he learns tricks quickly(he gives paw) Interested? I can drive up to 250-300 miles to drop him off. Please help. Only serious dog lover whom will give this dog a place to exercise or atleast run them everyday. I WILL ONLY GIVE THIS DOG TO A GOOD OWNER. HES TOO AWESOME and LOYAL TO BE MISTREATED BY ANOTHER OWNER. 337-501-3004

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