American Pit Bull Terrier, dog breeder - Jordyn American Pit Bull Terrier, dog breeder - Jordyn 

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Name: Jordyn
Breeds: American Pit Bull Terrier,
City: Houston
State/Prov: TX
Zip: 77389
Country: USA
Affiliations: ADBA registered
Other Information: American Pit Bull Terrier, 100 % pure bred.Bloodlines- Colby and Jeep. My boy is beautiful,short but stocky and is always complimented on hisgorgeous, super rare coat. He's definitely readyfor a female to breed with and I plan on neuteringhim within a month or two so I'd like to get someof his pups out instead of wasting his beautifulgenes! He's 8 months, 60 pounds, and hasn't fullyfilled out with his muscle yet but is building itup every single day. HUGE head and very, very goodtemperament. He's wonderful with dogs and loveschildren! It would be a waste for me not to lethim pass on his genes but I cannot find anyfemales who are not spayed! If you are interestedemail me. [email protected]

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Jordyn American Pit Bull Terrier, breeder ( 1 listings found )
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