Pug, dog breeder - heather mcpherson Pug, dog breeder - heather mcpherson 

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heather mcpherson

Name: heather mcpherson
Breeds: Pug,
City: Durham
State/Prov: NC
Zip: 27705
Country: USA
Telephone: 919 768-0090
Affiliations: AKC,UKC
Testimonials: References on request
Other Information: We're a small family breeder of Quality Champion Bloodline AKC Pug Puppies. We have one fawn Male, Stu & 2 black females Olive & Bailey. All have been healthy, no eye or other breed problems, no genetic issues as none of our previous litters. All have show potential but we mostly sell as pets, unless otherwise discussed. Puppies are hand raised with lots of love... all, socialized well other animals, large & small dogs, cats, ferrets, tortoise, lol children and exposed to outside, our pond, stairs...etc. Some early paper/crate and "sit" training. If interested in purchasing one of our precious babies, please feel free to contact us :) We offer stud services for any registration pug females (other breeds accepted as well, ex: puggles or chugs). Stu is from ChampionBlood lines, large, beautifully wrinkled head, large barrel chested, well proportioned and very much the ladies man. Has sired many successful litters. We do require a negative borcellicus test from females done at your vet and the lady must come to us and stay here during the breeding period. A $100, non refundable deposit at time of initial breeding and $700 stud fee after a litter is born or pick of the litter. We also offer artificial insemination services as well for non receptive or "feisty" females, service fee included in deposit. Please message or call with any questions or more details:) References available...

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heather mcpherson Pug, breeder ( 1 listings found )
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Stu View Details  
800.00 (USD)
We offer stud services for any registration pug females (other breeds accepted as well, ex: puggles...
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