Kerry Blue Terrier breed information and lists of available Kerry Blue Terrier dogs, puppies, stud dogs and breeders Kerry Blue Terrier breed information and lists of available Kerry Blue Terrier dogs, puppies, stud dogs and breeders 

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Kerry Blue Terrier breed information and pictures

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The Kerry Blue Terrier is part of the Terrier group. The Kerry Blue Terrier is a dog with . problem solving abilities. The trainability of the Kerry Blue Terrier is .. It was breed to be good for Family Pet, Protection, Watch Dog The Kerry Blue Terrier lifestyle is Adaptable to indoor/outdoor living

Kerry Blue Terriers are prone to PNA, cerebellar abiotrophy. Some minor concerns in Kerry Blue Terriers are cataracts, spiculosis, hair follicle tumors, entropion, KCS, narrow palpebral fissure distichiasisme, CHD and Retinal folds. It is important that when contacting a Kerry Blue Terrier breeder that you express health concern issues and ask the breeder what they are doing in order to help mimimize them.

Please don't purchase your Kerry Blue Terrier from a petstore which commonly are known to support Kerry Blue Terrier puppy mills. Doing so only promotes inproper breeding ethics and promotes current Kerry Blue Terrier health issues. The AKC, UKC, FCI, CKC, SKC, WWKC, FIC registries recognize the Kerry Blue Terrier breed standard.

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a well breed Kerry Blue Terrier dog

Kerry Blue Terrier
Group:  Terrier
Shoulder Height: 00.00 in - 00.00 in
Weight: 33-40 pounds
Exercise req'd: Medium amount
Intelligence: High
Suitability for kids: Fair
Registries: AKC, UKC, FCI, CKC, SKC, WWKC, FIC


Country of Origin: Ireland - Believed to be descended from dogs that swam ashore from shipwrecks of the Spanish Armada off the coast of Ireland in 1588. A line of silver blue dogs evolved that were used for fighting, herding, hunting and guarding. They were used for all jobs required of terriers, plus it was said to be the only dog that

Character: The Kerry Blue Terrier is intelligent, self-confident, brave, and has a good memory. It bonds closely with its handler. It can be somewhat obstinate, has a mind of its own, and is somewhat contentious with other dogs. Barking is infrequent.

Temperment: It is necessary to socialize the dog early with children, household pets, and cats in order to avoid problems down. road. Most Kerry Blue Terriers prefer to be the only dog in the family.

Coat: Is very curly, soft and thick. There is no undercoat. Puppies are born black, and after a year to a year and a half the coat changes color to blue.

Care Occasional grooming with a brush and comb is required. In addition, it will need to be trimmed with a pair of. scissors and a trimmer. This dog does not shed.

Colour: Born black - any shade of blue by 18 months

Comments: . .

Purposes: Family Pet, Protection, Watch Dog

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